Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Artist Lecture- Trevor Paglen Response

Trevor Paglen
“How do we see things that are designed to be invisible?”

Trevor Paglen, Missing Persons, 2006 

Trevor Paglen, Missing Persons detail, 2006

3 words
1.) Research
2.) Commitment
3.) Knowledgeable

Trevor Paglen is a well-recognized artist and photographer.  Paglen gave a very unique lecture compared to lectures we have had in the past.  Paglen began by explaining that the overall frame work what he tries to introduce through his work is “How do we see things that are designed to be invisible?”  Paglen continued to show us government files and information that is available to the public however is not designed to be understood by the masses of people.  I liked how Paglen explained and showed us the research and information he searches through when working on a project instead of just telling us.  I was amazed that all this information is available to the public. 

The work that interested me the most from Paglen’s lecture was “Missing Persons.”  The CIA had a program to kidnap terrorists around the world and took them to discreet various prisons.  There are no records of these terrorists making them to have a ghostly existence.  I really liked how Paglen researched this project and for displaying it in the gallery he had framed signatures of these “missing people.”  I appreciate the length and time Paglen goes through to investigate his projects. 

Paglen seemed to answer both of my questions during his lecture.  Paglen mentioned several times throughout his lecture how the information he finds when researching his projects is open to the public.  Most of the files Paglen searches are available are unrestricted government documents that the constitution protects people to gain access of.  Paglen also mentioned that he has a wide variety of individuals who specialize I a variety of different things that he can ask for assistance or obtain some of their help on his projects.  Another question of mine that Paglen answered during his lecture was that he has never been frightened by information he has found yet Paglen becomes intrigued wih what he finds. Overall Paglen’s lecture was very informative and intriguing.

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